

Each week, we publish a newsletter with an article by Curtis McClane, updates on news such as prayer requests and upcoming events, and the order of assembly for the Sunday worship hour. You'll find the printed newsletter ready to pick up as you enter the auditorium each Sunday. The current and previous week's editions are available online.

Click the Button!


From time to time, we create printed materials for an event or project. In 2021 we were part of the festival, Hurray for Harriman. We created a brochure for the event. To read it, click "Our Brochure" in the link below.

In 2024, we will celebrate the 100th anniversary of our congregation! Watch for a future booklet on our history, and volunteer any historical photos or information you have.


Now available, we have an online directory of members. This directory is password-protected for your privacy. To access the directory, please ask Curtis or David for the password.

Please keep us informed about changes in your contact information so we can keep the directory current. A printed copy is also available upon request.